Project | Program | Year | Location | State |
Office | 2024 | Seoul | Ongoing | |
Office | 2023 | Seoul | Ongoing | |
Residential | 2023 | Sancheong-gun | Competition | |
Residential | 2023 | Seoul | Ongoing | |
Public | 2023 | Sejong | Competition | |
청송 상하수도센터 개선사업 계획안(Design for Cheongsong Water and Sewage Center) | Public | 2023 | Cheongsong-gun | Competition |
성북 청년스마트창업센터 계획안(Design for Seongbuk Youth Smart Startup Center) | Public | 2023 | Seoul | Competition |
나라키움 용인통합청사 계획안(Design for Narakium Yongin Integrated Government Office) | Public | 2022 | Yongin | Competition(4th) |
Religious | 2022 | Wonju | Competition | |
Commercial | 2022 | Goyang | Completed | |
Commercial | 2022 | Hanam | Completed | |
Office | 2022 | Seoul | Under Construction | |
Commercial | 2021 | Seoul | Completed | |
Commercial | 2021 | Guri | Proposal | |
양양군 생활형숙박시설 계획안(Design for Serviced Residence in Yangyang-gun) | Hotel | 2020 | Yangyang-gun | Proposal |
Residential | 2020 | Seoul | Under Construction | |
Commercial | 2019 | Seoul | Completed | |
Commercial | 2018 | Seoul | Completed | |
Commercial | 2017 | Seoul | Completed | |
Cultural | 2017 | Jeju | Completed | |
어바니엘 천호 주상복합 계획안(Design for UrbanieL Cheonho Mixed-use Apartment) | Residential | 2017 | Seoul | Completed |
영일대 수상관광호텔 계획안(Design for Yeongildae Floating Tourist Hotel) | Commercial | 2016 | Pohang | Proposal |
저층주거지 관리 및 재생모델 개발 계획안(Design for Regeneration and Management in Low-rise Residential Area) | Urban | 2016 | Seoul | Completed |
Religious | 2016 | Seoul | Completed | |
Urban | 2015 | Seoul | Completed | |
Commercial | 2015 | Seoul | Completed | |
Residential | 2015 | Yongin | Proposal | |
Residential | 2014 | Yongin | Completed | |
도봉구 장애인복지관 계획안(Design for Welfare Center for The Disabled in Dobong-gu) | Public | 2014 | Seoul | Competition |
Public | 2014 | Seoul | Completed | |
Commercial | 2014 | Seoul | Completed | |
한국외국어대학교 외국어연수평가원 리모델링(Remodeling of Language Center of HUFS) | Educational | 2014 | Seoul | Completed |
Residential | 2013 | Yongin | Completed | |
Residential | 2013 | Yongin | Completed | |
Residential | 2013 | Yongin | Completed | |
Religious | 2013 | Gimpo | Competition | |
Educational | 2013 | Seoul | Competition(1st) | |
Commercial | 2013 | Seoul | Proposal | |
Educational | 2013 | Seoul | Competition | |
Cultural | 2013 | Jecheon | Competition | |
Commercial | 2013 | Seoul | Completed | |
Residential | 2013 | Seongnam | Completed | |
Educational | 2012 | Seoul | Competition(2nd) | |
Public | 2012 | Seoul | Competition | |
Commercial | 2010 | Seongnam | Competition | |
Religious | 2010 | Incheon | Competition(1st) | |
금릉역사 보행육교 계획안(Desing for Geumneung Train Station Pedestrian Overpass) | Public | 2009 | Paju | Competition |
Public | 2009 | Seoul | Competition | |
양천구 노인요양시설 계획안(Design for Senior Care Facility in Yangcheon-gu) | Medical | 2008 | Seoul | Competition |
Commercial | 2008 | Hoengseong-gun | Completed | |
용인 죽전 힐스테이트 타운하우스(Hillstate Townhouse in Yongin Jukjeon-dong) | Residential | 2008 | Yongin | Completed |
Cultural | 2008 | Seoul | Completed | |
Residential | 2007 | Chilgok-gun | Completed | |
Religious | 2007 | Wanju-gun | Completed(2008 건축가협회상) | |
Medical | 2007 | Yongin | Completed | |
서울대학교 의과대학 연구지원센터(Research Support Center of SNU College of Medicine) | Educational | 2007 | Yangpyeong-gun | Completed |
서울대학교 그린바이오 첨단연구단지 계획안(Design for GreenBio Research Center of SNU) | Educational | 2007 | Pyeongchang-gun | Competition |
Commercial | 2007 | Jakarta | Completed | |
Commercial | 2007 | Seoul | Completed | |
Commercial | 2007 | Wonju | Proposal | |
Residential | 2006 | Cheonan | Completed | |
Educational | 2006 | Yongin | Proposal | |
용인 국제영어학교 계획안(Design for International English School in Yongin) | Educational | 2006 | Yongin | Proposal |
시사 일본어사 계획안(Design for Sisa Japanese Language Gangnam School) | Commercial | 2006 | Seoul | Proposal |
Commercial | 2006 | Goyang | Proposal | |
Medical | 2006 | Yongin | Proposal | |
송도 국제업무지구 계획안(Design for Songdo International Business District) | Urban | 2006 | Incheon | Proposal |
청라 국제업무지구 계획안(Design for Cheongna Foreign Investment Incucement Zone) | Urban | 2006 | Incheon | Proposal |
Urban | 2005 | Sejong | Competition | |
용산 국제업무지구 개발 계획(Design for Yongsan International Business Complex) | Urban | 2005 | Seoul | Proposal |
Public | 2005 | Paju | Completed | |
Residential | 2005 | Seongnam | Proposal | |
Commercial | 2005 | Seoul | Proposal | |
서울시청사 증개축 아이디어 공모(Idea Competition for The Seoul City Hall Extension Project) | Public | 2005 | Seoul | Competition(2nd) |
Religious | 2005 | Anyang | Competition(Honorable Mention) | |
부산대학교 제2예술관 신축공사 현상설계(Competition for The Art Center of Busan University | Educational | 2005 | Busan | Competition(2nd) |
Religious | 2004 | Jeonju | Competition(Honorable Mention) | |
Commercial | 2004 | Paju | Completed | |
Commercial | 2004 | Seoul | Completed | |
Commercial | 2004 | Seoul | Completed | |
Medical | 2004 | Ganghwa-gun | Completed | |
사회복지법인 정신장애인시설 옥천부활원(Boohwal Long-term Mental Health Care Facility in Okcheon-gun) | Medical | 2004 | Okcheon-gun | Completed |
Religious | 2004 | Seoul | Completed | |
Religious | 2004 | Namyangju | Completed | |
Religious | 2004 | Seoul | Proposal | |
Educational | 2004 | Seoul | Completed | |
Religious | 2004 | Yeoju-gun | Completed | |
Religious | 2004 | Yeoju-gun | Completed | |
Commercial | 2003 | Seoul | Competition | |
Medical | 2003 | Ganghwa-gun | Completed | |
서울대학교 종합교육연구단지 신축공사 T/K(Seoul National University, Complex of Education Research T/K) | Educational | 2003 | Seoul | Competition |
Cultural | 2003 | Cheongju | Competition | |
Commercial | 2003 | Seoul | Completed | |
Cultural | 2002 | Paju | Completed | |
Commercial | 2002 | Seoul | Completed | |
Commercial | 2002 | Gunpo | Completed | |
Residential | 2002 | Seoul | Completed | |
Residential | 2002 | Seoul | Completed | |
Commercial | 2002 | Seoul | Completed | |
Cultural | 2001 | Seoul | Completed | |
Residential | 2001 | Seoul | Completed | |
Medical | 2001 | Cheonan | Proposal | |
Residential | 2001 | Seoul | Proposal | |
Cultural | 2001 | Euiwang | Proposal | |
Residential | 2001 | Icheon | Completed | |
Residential | 2000 | Daejeon | Completed | |
Residential | 2000 | Seoul | Proposal | |
Cultural | 1999 | Goyang | Proposal |